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The Honeycrisp apple tree was developed by the University of Minnesota and is a hybrid of the apple cultivars, Macoun and Honeygold. Honeycrisp apples are known for their juicy, crisp texture and well-balanced taste of sweetness and acidity. They have a rich golden yellow background color and a vibrant red blush on the peel. Honeycrisp is among the largest and most desirable apples for fresh eating during apple season.


The EverCrisp Apple is a combination of MAIA- 1 parent varieties, Honeycrisp and Fuji. These apples are a blushed rosy-red color with cream undertones and have an outstanding taste bursting with flavors. In addition, you will find their flesh to be firm and dense with a long-lasting crispness. EverCrisps are ready for picking in early November.


KinderKrisp is a brand new apple variety developed by David MacGregor, an independent fruit breeder based in South Haven, Minnesota. Exceptional flavor and crisp texture, like its parent Honeycrisp, this early ripening apple features much smaller fruit. Perfect size for snacking or kid’s lunches.


These apples have a scarlet red peel and crisp texture, but it's most striking feature is its flavor. Ludacrisp apples have a tropical-like flavor similar to Juicy Fruit chewing gum. The flavor drivers are pineapple, grape, and strawberry. This cultivar was discovered in Pataskala, Ohio. Sweet Sixteen is one of the parents of this cultivar, but the other is unknown. While the name of this apple and its unique flavor may seem ludicrous to some, it will surely be unique. Ludacrisp apples will be available around mid-October.


Triumph is the offspring of Honeycrisp and Liberty apples, resulting in an apple scab resistant variety. Formerly known as MN80, Triumph is a brand-new release from the University of Minnesota. Available for the first time at our orchard this fall.


When you first sink your teeth into a delicious SweeTango, you release a fun, loud crunch that wakes your taste buds up and gets them ready for that first flavorful bite. SweeTango is the brand designation of the cultivated apple Minneiska. It is a patented cross breed between the Honeycrisp and the Zestar! apple. The trademark name belongs to the University of Minnesota.

First Kiss

This apple is a cross between a Honeycrisp- which is known for its taste, juiciness, and texture,  and an early bloomer from the University of Arkansas referred to as AA44. The First Kiss Apple tree is ready to harvest by Labor Day weekend, while the Honeycrisp usually isn’t ready to pick until the end of September to early November.


The variety was discovered by Chuck Nystrom in the early 1990s and developed in Minnesota. The patented B-51 came from the seedling of a Honeycrisp, but the other parent is a mystery as it was open pollinated. Because Chelan Fruits has purchased exclusive rights to the B-51, they are the only ones who can call it by its marketing name, SugarBee. This beautiful bi-colored apple is crisp, sweet and juicy.